Thursday, September 3, 2009

Like a black hole...

Today, I feel the need to contemplate on the depths of David Levin's mind. Not depths of intelligence, or depths of wisdom, or even depths of compassion. No, David's mind is like a black hole- stuff goes in, but nothing comes out. Any and all information that David is given is soon crushed into a microscopic point that cannot be seen, measured or used, yet it is still larger than the brain in David's head.

Yes, that's right, the only unlimited depth in David's world is the unlimited depth of his stupidity. David is so stupid, in fact, that he makes Homer Simpson look like a genius. David is so stupid, in fact, that every dumb blonde joke ever spoken has actually been based on true events from David's life. David is so stupid, in fact, that I garuntee that as he is reading these insults on his intelligence, he is laughing. Aren't you, David?

I fear that is all I dare write on the stupidity of David Levin. I worry that if I contemplate his stupidity too long, it will suck away my intelligence. Again, it's like a black hole. David, as you read this, I have one final piece of advice for you- stop being so stupid.

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